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土體 Solum
土體標本 Monolith,soil
土網 Soil order
土溫 Temperature,soil
土系 Series,soil
土相 Phase,soil
土型 Soll type
土樣 Soil sample
土質換算表 Nomograph
土組 Soil variant
土鑽 Soil auger
團塊狀構造 Lumpy structure
糰粒作用 Granulation
退化黑鈣土 Degraded chernozem
退化鹼土 Degraded solonetz
退化聚鋁土 Degraded allite
退化作用 Degradation
吞食性原生動物 Holozoic protozoa
脫飽和作用 Desaturation
脫鈣作用 Decalcification
脫鹼土 Soloth (Solodis Soloti)
脫鹼作用 Dealkalization
脫水作用 Dehydration
脫矽作用 Desilicification
脫鹽作用 Desalinization
瓦管排水 Tile drain
外慟力土 Ektodynamomor phic soils
丸狀構造 Shot structure
丸狀構造 Buckshot structure
網斑 Reticulate mottling
網籃式節制壩 Fixed basket type dam
微 Light (指 Soil colour)
微城氧候 Microclimate
微構造 Microstructure
微管飽和 Capillary saturation
微管埠力 Capillary Conductivity
微管導水常數 Capillary transmtssion constant
微管假說 Capillary tube hypotheses
微管孔度 Capillary porosity
微管力遲滯點 Lento-capillary point
微管水 Capillary water
微管水階段 Capillary  stage
微管位差 Capillary potential gradient
微管位能 Capillary potential
微管位能針 Capillary potentiometer
微管引力 Capillarity
微灰化壤 Slightly podzolized soil
微量養分 Micronutrient
微量養分元素,微量要素 Minor nutrient element (即 Rarer essential element,minor element,trace element)
微量元素 Trace element
微斜階段 Graded(channel) terrace (即Drainagetype terrace)
微域 Microzone
微域地勢 Microrelief
萎黃病 Chlorosis
未成熟剖面 Immature profile
無定形構造 Amorphous structure
無上栽培 Hydroponics (同 Soilless culture)
無石灰性棕壤 Non calcic orown soil
無土栽培 Soilless culture
無效水 unavailable water
無效養分 Unavailable nutrient
無張力孔隙 Tension free pore space
物理性凰化 Physical weathering
吸管法(機械分析) Pipette method (mechanical analysis)
吸濕力 Hygroscopicity
吸濕體法 Sorption block technique
吸濕系敦 Hygroscopic coefficient
吸著複合體 Absorbing complex
吸著鍵 Absorbing bond
吸著能量 Adsorptive capacity
吸著水 Hygroscopic water (moisture)
吸著作用 Absorption
矽鋁比 Silica alumina ratio
矽鋁鐵比 Silica sesquioxide ratio
矽磐 Silica pan
矽酸鹽礦物 Silicate mineral
矽藻土 Diatom
矽質粘粒 Silicious clay
習用分析法 Conventional method of analysis
洗出層,溶提層 Eluvium (Eluviated horizon)
洗出層,溶提層 Eluviated(Eluvial) horizon
洗出作用,溶提作用 ElUviatioa
洗入層,澱積層 Illuvial horizon
細脆狀 Cellular (指Porosity)
細礫 Fine gravel
細砂 Fine sand
細砂質土 Fine sand loam
細紮 Finely porous
嫌氧性細菌 Anaerobic bacteria
陷穴沖蝕 Tunnel erosion (同Sink hole erosion)
陷穴沖蝕 Sink hole erosion
線蟲類 Nematode
消解值 Slaking value
消解作用 Slaking action
硝化菌 Nitrobactor
硝化細菌 Nitrifying bacteria
硝化作用 Nitrification
硝酸還原作用 Denitrification
硝態氮 Nitrate nitrogen
霄透析器 Electrodialysor
小溝沖蝕 Rill erosion
小核狀構造 Nuciform structure
小塊狀椿造 Cloddy structure
斜插階段 Spur terrace
屑粒狀構造 Crumby structure
絮聚力 Flocculating power
絮聚值 Flocculation value
絮聚作用 Flocculation
絮散作用 Deflocculation
絮團 Floccules
蓄水池 Reservoir
蓄水墻段 Interception and retention-type terrace (同 Absorption-type terrace)
蓄水墻段 Absorption-type terrace
懸網式 Suspended net type
選移作用 Assorting effect
穴耕 Basing listing
穴管狀 Cavernous (指Pore space)
壓暴 Dust storm
壓縮性 Compressibility
亞表土 Subsurface soli
亞裹土耕松 Subsurface tillage
亞化育層 Subhorizon
亞土網 Soil suborder
亞硝酸鞭毛菌 Nitrosomonas
亞硝酸球菌 Nitrosococcus
岩底 Bedrock
顏色剖面 Colour profile
鹽度 Salinity
鹽化栗鈣土 Salinized chestnut soil
鹽化作用 Salinization
鹽基飽和 Base saturation
鹽基不飽和 Base unsaturat]on
鹽基交換 Base exchange
鹽基交換能量 Base exchange capacity
鹽鹼土 Saline alkali soil
鹽霜 Efflorescene
鹽土 Solonchak
鹽土 Salt (Salty,Salted) soil
鹽土 Saline soil
鹽土 White alltali soil (同 Solonchak)
鹽土(匈牙利名) Szek soil
陽離子 Cation
陽離子層(膠粒) Cationic layer (Colloid particle)
陽離子交換 Cation exchahse
陽性膠體 Pdsitive colloid
氧化還原電勢 Redox potential
氧化還原電勢 Oxidation reduction potential
養分供給層 Feeding zone
要素 Essential element
頁片狀 Foliated
葉部分析 Foliar analysis (同Leaf analysis)
葉部診斷 Foliar diagnosis
葉躐石 Pyrophyllite
葉片狀構造 Schistose structure
業部分析 Leaf analysis
伊泉水化雲母 tllite
易碎度 Friability
易碎性 Friable (指Consistence)
異常土(指沖洗土) Extranormal soil
溢水指道 Spillway
陰離子 Anion
陰離子交換 Anion exchange
陰性膠體 Negative colloid
應用土壤學 Agrology
硬磐 Ortstein (同 Hardpan)
硬磐 Hardpan
硬性 Hard (指 Consistence)
遊離氮 Free nitrogen
有機膠體 Organic colloid
有機礦物質 Organic mineral soil
有機炭 Organic carbon
有機物 Organic matter
有機質土 Organic soil
有效度 Availability
有效水分 Available water
有效養分 Available nutrient
幼紅壤 Young red earth
幼年土 Juvenile soil
幼年土 Young soil
淤積 Silting
淤積土 Warp soil
淤淹法 Warping
盂氏色譜 Munshell colour notation
雨滴濺沫 Raindrop splash
雨量因數 Rain  factor
原滾 Headwater
原積土 Sedimentation
原生土 Primary soil
原生土 Monochronogenous
雲母質 Micaceous
氳氯鎂石,水滑石 Brucite
氳粘粒 Hydrogen clay
雜色 Motley Coloured
再沈積 Redeposit
再生鹽土 Regraded saline soil
皂白石 Betonite
軋膠相粘粒 Emu lioid clay
閘域土,隱域土 Intrazonal. soil
柵棚防風籬 Woven picket fence X
粘閉構造 Puddie structure
粘點 Sticky point
粘粒部份 Clay fraction
粘粒複合體 Clay complex
粘粒膠溶體 Clay sol
粘粒結晶 Clay crystal
粘粒結晶格 Crystal lattice of clay
粘粒破物 Clay mineral
粘磐 Clay pan
粘磐黑鈣土 Clay pan chernozer
粘磐土 Clay pan soil
粘壤土 Clay loam
粘土,粘粒 Clay
粘性 Sticky (指 Consistence)
粘重土 Heavy soil
粘著力 Adhesion
掌狀溝蝕 Finger gullying
沼土生成作用 Bog type of soil formation
沼澤腐泥土 Bog muck
沼澤泥炭土 Sphagnum pent (似 Bog soil)
沼澤石灰核 Bog lime
沼澤鐵子 Bog iron ore
沼澤土 Bog soil
珍珠高嶺石,珍珠陶土 Nacrite
真比重 Real (True) specific gravity
真比重 Real (True)  density
真粒團 True soil aggregate
針葉林 Coniferous forest
睜體 Colloid
整塊構造 Massive structure
正常含水量 Normal moisture capacity
正常土 Normal soil
織毛蟲 Infusoria
植被復原 Revegetati0n
植積土 Cumulose soil
植物殘餘 Plant residue
植物養分 Plant nutrient
植物養分 Plant food (同Plant nutrient)
植物營養 Plant nutrition
植宵土 Phytogenic soil
指示植物 Indicator plant
蛭蒙特石,蛭石 Vermiculite
滯後現象 Hysteresis
滯流 Tough flow
質地剖面 Texture profile
中砂 Medium sand
中生植物 Mesophyte vegetation
中性腐植層 Mull
中性土 Neutral soil
種草排水道 Grassed waterway
重力水 Gravitational water
株樣管 Sampling tube
主量養分元素,主量要素 Primary nutrient element (即Primary essential element)
柱狀構造 Columnar structure
著水曲線 Moisture sorption curve
著水作用 Water (Moisture) sorption
磚紅壤 Red earth
磚紅壤 Latosol (Chromosol,Laterite)
磚紅壤 Laterite
轉折草帶 Turn strip
追肥 Top dressing
准紅壤 Lateritoid
准灰壤 Podzolic soil
准平原 Peneplain
自食性細菌 Autotrophic (Autotropic) bacteria
自型土 Automorphous soil
自型土 Autogenic soil (同Automorphous soil)
自由水 Free water
棕鈣土 Brown soil
棕漠鈣土 Brown desert soil (同Brown soil)
棕壤 Burozcm (同Brown earth)
棕壤 Brown earth
棕色准灰壤 Brown podzolic soil
綜和曲線 Summation curve
租砂 Coarse sand
阻刷壩 Brush dam
阻刷物 Brush
阻土草帶 Filter strip
最大保水量 Maximum moisture capacity
最大微管水容量 aximum capillary water capacity
最少養分律 Law of minimum nutrient
最適水分量 Optimum moisture content
最小百分率 Minimum percentage
作墻 Terracing
作墻犁 Terrace plow
作墻械 Terracer
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